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Bharatiya Vidya Mandir, Amravati's

Bhagawantrao Shivaji Patil Mahavidyalaya Paratwada

Amravati (MS) - 444805

Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
CSS MenuMaker

Library Special Feature

  1. 1. Books are available to the students during the period of examination on the basis of without any deposit.
  2. Open access for PG Students.
  3. User education to aware the students about library.
  4. Library with maker spaces offer tools and equipments for activities like 3D printing, coding, and crafting.
  5. Access to a wide range of online databases and journal for research purposes.
  6. Interlibrary loan Services the ability to request books and resources from other libraries in the network.
  7. Laptops and other QR Code technology available for Check-in and Check-out.
  8. Scanning of materials for research and archival purposes.
  9. Resources and assistance for students with their needs.
  10. Library often host essay completion, Books exhibition,and Skill oriented programme for students