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Bharatiya Vidya Mandir, Amravati's

Bhagawantrao Shivaji Patil Mahavidyalaya Paratwada

Amravati (MS) - 444805

Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
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Library Rules

  1. Timings
  2. The borrower can borrow 2 books for 8 days only.
  3. After 8 day’s borrower will have to pay a fine of 1 Rupee per day.
  4. To avoid penalty, the users should get the book renewed.
  5. Borrower will have to pay the cost of the book in full for any loss or damage.
  6. A book may reserve in advance on demand.
  7. Readers should make an entry in the register before availing the facility of news Paper, reference book etc.
  8. Reference books And Periodicals will not be issued out of library.
  9. In case of loss of borrower’s ticket the borrower must report the loss immediately to librarian. Fresh borrower ticket will be issued against payment of Rs.10/-
  10. Outsiders are allowed to have library services under book-bank scheme or by paying deposit.
  11. In case of the loss or damage of book there will be penalty as per the situation.