About NSS
Bhagwantrao Shivaji Patil Mahavidyalaya, Paratwada has its own unit of NSS. Our college is allowed to enroll150 students (Boys-75 & Girls-75) in a unit and nearly 75 students participate in the special NSS camp. The students are always ready with an objective of shaping themselves and the society. Our NSS unit is well-known in the University for its disciplined and dutiful approach.
Aim of NSS
“Development of the personality of college students through community service”
MoTTo of NSS
Objective of NSS
The main objectives of National Service Scheme are
To understand the society where we live and work.
To enable oneself in knowing the society.
To identify the needs and problems of the community and try to solve them to make the society a better place.
To inculcate the value of social bonding.
To use education as a measure to solve personal as well as social problems.
To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes.
To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters.
To practice national integration and social harmony.
To bridge the gap between the literates and illiterates.
To awaken a desire to do service to the poor strata of the society.