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Bharatiya Vidya Mandir, Amravati's

Bhagawantrao Shivaji Patil Mahavidyalaya Paratwada

Amravati (MS) - 444805

Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
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About Department

The college Bhagwantrao Shivaji Patil Mahavidyalaya was established in July 1969. The Physical Education Department of Bhagwantrao Shivaji Patil Mahavidyalaya was formed on 01-07-1969. Shri. Haribhau Vidhale took Charge of the department of Physical Education. After his retirement, on the basic of fulltime Shri. S.S. Bhagwat took Charge of the department. Shri. S.S. Bhagwat was appointed on is 22.11.2004. To develop student personality Physical Education Department organizes various games& sports activities for students, according to their liking and interest. The Department tries to achieve the following.- Academically well qualified Director of Physical Education. Availability of ample space for various grounds of different sport disciplines within college campus. Increasing graph of achievement in games & sports. Girl students achievements in sports is increasing. Increasing awareness about health among students. There is Yoga Room which is used by the players & students. The department creates awareness among students about the recruitment in Police and Army and other departments. The girls coming from Tribal belt of Melghat are physically tough and can be guided and trained as sport personal.